Saturday, July 1, 2017

Special Guest Appearance on July 15th

We are happy to announce that the Fat 'n Furious guys from Christmas Automotive are coming back to Friendship Raceway!

On Saturday, July 15th, 2017 Tom Christmas and Chuck Kounts are setting up to meet and greet with fans, sign autographs, sell t-shirt s and, of course, pose for those Facebook selfies everyone loves!

We will be running our regular race program that includes a No Box and Street Class Race, a Dial In Race and a Gamblers Race! Also, Friendship Raceway is putting up a $50 bounty!! After the buyback rounds are complete we will choose and mark a racer as "the fugitive". Each round, the opponent matched against the fugitive has a chance to win the $50 bounty by winning the round. If no one is able to put the fugitive out of the race and he or she ends up winning the entire race, the fugitive gets to keep the 50 buck!!

Sounds like fun! Right?! We will begin at 11am! 5 to watch, an as always, Kids under 12 get in FREE! See you there!