Friendship Raceway 2014 Rules & Regulations
Clothing: NHRA Rules Apply. NO shorts permitted. Shirt and shoes must be worn. Cars 0-6 seconds must have proper equipment: see Safety Regulations - NHRA. Cars 0-6.99 must wear approved fire jacket & shirt. Cars 7.0 - 9.99 must wear helmet. Motorcycles must have helmet, gloves, leather jacket and pants.
Tech inspection: All vehicles must be teched before they can make a pass. Tech sheets must be filled out properly and must be legible. Driver must be with car for tech. NHRA rules will be enforced. Tech starts upon arrival.
Burn Outs: Will be done behind the starting line, with the exception of Dragsters, Altereds, Supercharged Cars, Drag Bikes, or unless directed by track management.
Time Trials: Weather permitting, our Open Time Trials typically run from 11am to 2pm. All drivers are welcome to make as many passes as they would like during this time. A minimum of two time trials is guaranteed to all drivers unless you arrive late or have a break.
Staging: Lead of staging will pull you onto the track, please wait for his signal.
We practice courtesy staging at Friendship Raceway. Please, be
courteous and let your opponent pre-stage before staging your own
vehicle. (After both cars are pre-staged, once one car stages, the second car has 10 seconds to stage.)
During a race, please wait to bring your car to the staging lanes until you are called. Buy-backs line up in lane 6, Winners take lanes 3 and 5.
Bye Runs: Are pulled from the first ten cars in round one. Best reaction time of each round will receive the bye run into the next round.
2 Rounds of Buy-Backs: Buy-Back are available for $10 if you lose the 1st or 2nd round of eliminations. Buy-backs will be called to staging lane 6 first, followed by winners. A buy-back will not be eligible for a bye run in the buy back round. If there is an uneven amount of cars then the last buyback car will run the first car in the second round winners.
Car Number and Dial-In: Must be on front & passenger side windows and MUST BE LARGE ENOUGH FOR THE TOWER TO READ. Dial-In numbers can be adjusted every round.
Safety Equipment: ALL RACERS MUST FOLLOW THE NHRA SAFETY RULES & REGULATIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW THE RULES AND FOLLOW THEM. Drivers running 8:00 or faster are required to wear a helmet, however, helmet wearing is encouraged for all drivers! Drivers running a 7.35 or faster are required to have a roll bar. Drivers must have all safety equipment.
Breaking: Excessive Breaking on a run is prohibited. YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
Electronic boxes are Not permitted: If box can’t be removed, then box must be taped over, zeroed, and inspected by track management. Failure or refuse to do so, is just cause for disqualification.
Throttle Stops: All throttle stops must be disconnected or fixed wide open.
Passengers: Passengers are Not permitted in any race vehicles while on the track.
Payouts: All payouts will be done by track officials at the starting line after the race.
Rain Out Policy: NO rain checks to spectators or losers if one round of eliminations has been completed.
In the event of a rain out, save your ticket for Sunday the following day.
Re-runs: Will be decided upon a case by case issue. Track management will decide by NHRA rules.
SPEED LIMIT: Friendship Park has posted a speed limit of 20 mph. However, we ask that you limit your speed to 15 mph on the return lane and all other roads within Friendship Raceway, as we encourage spectators to bring children.
Stage Break Down: Once you are pared for eliminations, you must "fire" within 30 seconds and move into your lane. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification and your opponent automatically wins the round.
Break Down: If your car breaks down during a pass, you must stop as soon as possible. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE TO THE END OF THE TRACK.
Break Passes: Break passes are only given to racers who experience a break-down BEFORE eliminations begin. All Break Passes must be redeemed within 30 days.
Participant Conduct: Any participant and or crew member caught fighting verbal or physically, and or using profanity, with any other participant, crew member, spectator, and or Track Official will be subject to immediate removal from track and disqualified from the race. Also if any participant or crew member who creates an unsafe condition and or violates rules or regulations of Friendship Raceway is subject to immediate removal from track and suspension of privileges upon the discussion of Track Officials.
No Alcohol - No Drugs: Any participant and or crew member caught with drugs or alcohol while on the premises is in violation of rules and regulation of Friendship Park and Friendship Raceway. Violators will be banned from the Park and Friendship Raceway, and the authorities will be notified.
Tower: The tower is a working entity of the racetrack. Please do not come to the tower for questions and problems during a race. Please contact the Staging Lane Director. Only track officials and employees are permitted in tower during a race, unless otherwise directed by track officials.
This is an incomplete list of Friendship Raceway Rules & Regulations
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(Last Updated April 1st, 2014)
Rules & Regulations have been updated. Please, view the
2016 Friendship Raceway Rules & Regulations